

湖北省金中德科技机械设备有限责任公司研发的薄膜厚度和定量在线测量仪,采用低辐射 Soft-X Ray 技术,先进的分析算法和计算机数据采集系统,完成对薄膜厚度和定量的在线精确测量。四川金中德科学技术研究院
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  • Release time : 2024-01-03
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  1金中德HHE-TJ2015 (V1.2) Scanner




  Summary of film thickness and weight on-line measuring scanner

  湖北省金中德科技机械设备有限责任公司研发的薄膜厚度和定量在线测量仪,采用低辐射 Soft-X Ray 技术,先进的分析算法和计算机数据采集系统,完成对薄膜厚度和定量的在线精确测量。




The film thickness and weight on-line measuring scanner is researched & developed by Hubie jinzhongde Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. Adopting low radiation Soft-X-Ray technology, advanced algorithm analyzing method and SCADA system, it is successfully applied in the on line accurate measurement of film thickness and weight.


  Soft-X Ray 放射量低,而且随电源的关闭放射性即可消失,是符合国家环保免检要求的高科技光电子检测仪器,无需办理放射性专用许可证等手续;由于放射量可控,因此测量范围宽,并有可调性,精度高,是替代固定放射源的一项新技术。

  Soft-X Ray is low radiation and the radioactivity will disappear upon turn-off the power. It is high tech photoelectron detector in line with the state environmental protection inspection requirements, and no need to apply for a special license for radioactive. Because radiation quantity is controllable, so the measuring scope is wide; as well as adjustable and high accuracy, it is a new technology to replace the stationary source(for exam:Kr85 ,pm147 etc).


  This measuring scanner is specially designed for applying to film production line. Auto-control die head bolt by feedback signal, it makes the film thickness uniform, so as to improve production quality and reduce raw material consumption.

  产品应用范围: 双向拉伸生产线:BOPP,BOPET,BOPS,BOPA 等 ;CPP 流延膜生产线 ;挤出片材生产线 ;PVC 压延生产线 ;涂布生产线 ;纤维、钢丝帘布四辊压延生产线 ;无纺布生产线 ;浮法玻璃生产线 ; 玻纤生产线;造纸生产线等.

  It’s applying scope is, bidirectional drawing production line: BOPP,BOPET,BOPS,BOPA etc; CPP cast film production line; extrusion sheet production line; PVC calendering line; coating production line; Fiber, steel cord four roller rolling production line; non-woven fabric production line; float glass production

  line; glass fiber production line; paper-making production line, etc.



  Main features of HHE-TJ2015(v1.2) film thickness and weight measurin scanner

  1) 高精度,非接触在线薄膜厚度、克重测量 :厚度测量精度 CD(横向)方差值+0.1um,MD(机械方向)精度+0.3um;克重测量误差小于 0.5%;

  High accurary , non-contact on-line film thickness and weight measuring: thickness measuring accuracy CD (transverse) variance value is +0.1um, MD (machine direction) accuracy +0.3um; weight measuring deviation less than 0.5%.

  功能强大的 HHE-TJ2015 控制系统,分析产品生产过程的缺陷和质量 ,降低原料的浪费;

  Powerful HHE-TJ2015 control system, to analyze product defect and quality in the course of production and reduce raw material waste.

  高精度探头:Soft-X Ray 射线探头(带温度自补偿和自校准);

  High accuracy detector: Soft-X Ray radiation detector (With temperature self compensation and self calibration);

  智能扫描架通过以太网同主机相连 ,接线简单方便;

  The intelligent scanner connect to the host via Ethernet, the connection is simple and convenient.




  新开发的 HHE-TJ2015(V1.3)版系统,采用以太网的客户机-服务器架构,可以实现多机联网操作、远程诊断、DCS 和ERP 数据共享等;与金中德电气自主开发的微物料自动称量系统(HHE-ABS 系统)配合使用,可以实现生产线的全自动上料、单探测多层厚度测量、质量管理及过程控制功能;



url : https://www.jzdyjy.com/en/product/203.html
Keywords : 科研项目


Sichuan Jinzhongde Institute of Science and Technology

address:No. 603, 6th Floor, No. 53, Section 4, Renmin South Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

